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ESRI GeoPortal

05-22-2019 06:01 PM
Emerging Contributor

What Arcgis softwares like Arcgis Enterprise or ArcGIS desktop we need to run GeoPortal

What Arcgis softwares like Arcgis Enterprise or ArcGIS desktop we need to run ArcGIS HUB

What Arcgis softwares like Arcgis Enterprise or ArcGIS desktop we need to run Open Data. Is Open data part of Arcgis Hub

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1 Reply
Esri Esteemed Contributor

Hi there,

> What Arcgis softwares like Arcgis Enterprise or ArcGIS desktop we need to run GeoPortal

> What Arcgis softwares like Arcgis Enterprise or ArcGIS desktop we need to run ArcGIS HUB

FYI, Esri Geoportal Server and ArcGIS Hub are 2 separate and different product offerings from ArcGIS Enterprise and ArcGIS Desktop. So there are no specific dependencies. Although, it's highly likely that you would use ArcGIS Desktop to create and manage your GIS data and assets for use in Geoportal Server and ArcGIS Hub.

> Is Open data part of Arcgis Hub

Yes, ArcGIS Hub includes Open Data capabilities,

Enable Open Data capabilities—ArcGIS Hub | ArcGIS 

Hope this helps,

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