Whenever I try to edit the URLs in this dialog box and click "Save," the dialog box does nothing. It doesn't save or close. I am putting in the URLs like this:
Portal: https://mywebsite.com/myPortalwebadaptorname
Server: https://mywebsite.com/myServerwebadatorname/rest
In addition, I have tried:
For the portal URL, put "/home" after my Portal web adaptor name.
For the server URL, I've tried leaving "rest" off the end. I've tried making it my server CNAME:6443 and my FQDN:6443 instead of my website with "/arcgis" at the end and also "/myServerwebadaptorname" instead.
None of this works. The save button does not seem to function. Anyone else have this issue? I've logged in and out of the server manager too.