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Can't change service properties on federated GIS Server even though I'm an admin

11-08-2017 11:30 AM
Regular Contributor

I get the following message in Manager,

"The service is owned by another user. The sharing properties can only be modified by the owner."

The GIS Server is federated with Portal, so I'm logging in to Manager using an account that has administrative access on Portal. Yet, I can't adjust any of the properties of the published services on the GIS server that are published by folks with the level of Publisher, but not properly shared with the organization. I want to adjust this on their behalf, but I get the "service is owned by another user" error.

Is there a way around this? With a federated server, is it possible to login to Manager with an account with elevated privilege to make such changes (Were it not federated, I know that an administrative account on the GIS Server would have those privileges).

Or, is this happening because administrative access through the web adaptor is disabled, so I would have to make this level of change on the host machine environment?

- Cassie

12 Replies
Occasional Contributor

I found a workaround for the problem... the main problem of the message was that the item doe not exist in portal, and the service in  ags was referencing a item. For some reason the items were not created in portal when federated. So, the first thing I tried was to follow this guide:

But, it not worked for me , maybe it works for some of you.

So, I went to edit the item in ArcGIS Server Administrator Directory:


and deleted the highlighted and save, this created as magic the item in portal:


"serviceName": "Geometry",

"type": "GeometryServer",

"description": "The Geometry service is used by application developers to perform geometric calculations to support querying, analysis and editing operations from client applications.",

"capabilities": "null",

"provider": "ArcObjects",

"clusterName": "default",

"minInstancesPerNode": 1,

"maxInstancesPerNode": 5,

"instancesPerContainer": 1,

"maxWaitTime": 60,

"maxStartupTime": 300,

"maxIdleTime": 1800,

"maxUsageTime": 600,

"loadBalancing": "ROUND_ROBIN",

"isolationLevel": "HIGH",

"configuredState": "STARTED",

"recycleInterval": 24,

"recycleStartTime": "00:00",

"keepAliveInterval": -1,

"private": false,

"isDefault": false,

"maxUploadFileSize": 0,

"allowedUploadFileTypes": "",

"properties": {},

"portalProperties": {

  "isHosted": false,

 "portalItems": [{

   "itemID": "7b2dd90c5d6b403d90a4d88634001eb0",

   "type": "GeometryServer"



"extensions": [],

"frameworkProperties": {},

"datasets": []


Esri Contributor

Once the Server is federated the sharing permissions of each service are to be controlled via Portal.

Federation is the mechanism which passes all sharing and access control to the Portal.

Esri Contributor

My understanding is that some services in the Utilities folder (for example, let's say "Geometry") were unable to modify the sharing properties.  Steps to reproduce: Server Manager (logged in as admin) > Services > Utilities > Geometry > Sharing Properties > Error message: "The service is owned by another user. The sharing properties can only be modified by the owner."  However, Server Admin > services > Utilites > Geometry.GeometryServer > permissions > Shows "esriEveryone".

1. Go to (hosting) Server Admin > services > Utilities

2. Choose a GP service (for example, "Geometry") > edit > Copy "Service Properties" (in JSON format)

3. Go to (non-hosting) Server Admin > services > Utilities > createService > Paste "Service Properties" (in JSON format)

4. Portal Home > Content > Add Item > From the web > Error: "This type is not supported" > Click "OK" > Enter REST Service URL from Server Manager > Select "Do not store credentials with service item. Prompt for authentication everytime."

5. Double-check that Item IDs from Portal & non-hosting Server Admin match.

Documentation: Error: Unable to print in federated server. This service is owned by another user. The sharing prope... 
6. Repeat steps 1-5 for GP services with this issue (ie GeocodingTools, PrintingTools, ...)


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