There is a post in Enterprise Builder section about ArcGIS Enterprise 11.2 What's Coming in ArcGIS Enterprise 11.2 but besides that post I can find nothing about version 11.2. Is there any additional information about 11.2, schedule, features, etc. We are in the process of deploying an 11.1 installation of ArcGIS Enterprise and am trying to determine if we should be looking at doing any immediate update prior to having content created.
Thanks -Joe
ArcGIS Enterprise 11.2 will be released soon then the online documentation for 11.2 will be available with all the details.
The link above points to 11.1 but when 11.2 is released it will point to the 11.2 doc, the page has a dropdown option to choose the old versions of the doc.
The link to the 11.2 issues addressed list is still pointing to the 11.1 issues. When can we see the correct document?
The doc team needs to update the link, sorry about that, you can find the list of issues addressed in 11.2 here ArcGIS Enterprise 11.2 Announcement (
@MarceloMarques Tudo Ben?
It's been ages since I have bumped into you. Hope all is well
Best Regards,
Joe Hershman
@JoeHershman "Tudo Bem !!!" "Beleza !!!"
Yes, doing well Joe.
I hope all is well with you.
Regards. 🙂
Keep in mind that 11.2 will be a short-term release in terms of support, similar to 11.0. See: ArcGIS Enterprise Life Cycle | Esri Support (although 11.2 hasn't been added yet as of now).