private IGeoDataServer InitGeoDataServerFromNetworkServer(String machineName, String serviceName) { // Create a property set for connection properties. IPropertySet propertySet = new PropertySetClass(); //propertySet.SetProperty("Machine", machineName); propertySet.SetProperty("user", @"domain\mapuser"); propertySet.SetProperty("password", "1234"); propertySet.SetProperty("CONNECTIONTYPE", "esriConnectionTypeInternet"); propertySet.SetProperty("URL", "http://server/arcgis/rest/services/"); // Connect to the server and get an enumerator for its objects. IAGSServerConnectionFactory agsServerConnectionFactory = new AGSServerConnectionFactoryClass(); IAGSServerConnection agsServerConnection = agsServerConnectionFactory.Open (propertySet, 0); IAGSEnumServerObjectName enumServerObjectName = agsServerConnection.ServerObjectNames; enumServerObjectName.Reset(); // Iterate through the objects to locate the GeoData service. IAGSServerObjectName serverObjectName = null; IGeoDataServer geoDataServer = null; while ((serverObjectName = enumServerObjectName.Next()) != null) { if (serverObjectName.Name == serviceName) { IName name = (IName)serverObjectName; geoDataServer = (IGeoDataServer)name.Open(); break; } } return geoDataServer; }
Thanks for the links. I think this will very useful. I did not know about the SOAP Proxy Libraries so I appreciate you showing me these.
I would have responded earlier but could not find this post now that it is on GeoNet