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Can you have Server and Portal on the same machine if you want to Federate AGS

04-06-2016 11:30 AM
MVP Regular Contributor

So I am trying to do just a test setup of Portal and don't want to waste resources.  What I am finding is that I cannot federate the AGS to Portal because the Urls basically step on each other.  It used to be possible to define the site name when you set up AGS so it did not need to be http:\\agsserver\arcgis.  But this no longer seems possible.  I have tried a bunch of different things but nothing seems to work.

Is this possible?  And if so could someone help with how it is done



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yes, you can do this.

The best, easiest and only way I will ever do this again is by using the Esri Chef Cookbook.

It puts Portal, AGS, DataStore and the web adaptors onto one machine.

I have setup a development, test and production Portal using this technicque.

I'm now working on the HA version of Production Portal.

There are also cookbooks here for ArcGIS Desktop and License Manager.

LM doesn't do all the settings needed for a Windows install (like opening ports and such) but one can customize one's cookbook to do this for you.  The released cookbook doesn't do ports because it's too specific to the install.  At least not yet...

I have done all this by hand in the past. That would take me at least a day and probably more like multiples as I do read documentation very thoroughly.

Now, I can set up a FULL Portal environment in about 30 minutes.  I have a VM template with the 10.4 installation files already extracted.

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MVP Regular Contributor

I'll give it a shot using the tool.  I had everything installed and working separate, but I could not federate the AGS to Portal.  Which defeats the purpose a bit

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Did you have two separate web adaptors setup?

Been awhile since I did the federation by hand but I don't recall any problem doing it.

How about your CA?  If you're using self-signed, that might be the problem.

I believe Portal requires a CA.  We use a domain certificate.  I believe I've read that Portal won't work with a self-signed cert.

I suppose that might not apply on an all in one box.

You might be able to get away with setting up the cookbook and then running it against your current install.

It might then correct any issues it finds.  But I think if it were me, I'd wipe it all out and start from scratch.

Well, I might try it once just to see if it fixes things but then I'd redo it from scratch.  Otherwise anytime something didn't work, I'd be wondering about the setup.  But that's me...

Good luck

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MVP Regular Contributor

Paul Davidson

Finally got around to taking looking into the Chef stuff.  This is great, took me a bit to get an understanding of the pieces (I like to understand black boxes before I use them).  And made some first timer mistakes on the configuration settings.  But after I muddled through all that it is a great tool set.

Once the kinks were worked it probably was less than 90 minutes to build a VM from scratch and have Portal up and running.  Want to get a little deeper understanding so I can create the configuration files to set things up on separate servers and understand the ha setup files a little better

Thanks for pointing me to this, it will be a huge time saver


Frequent Contributor

Sounds a lot like my experience.  A few missteps here and there, a few misunderstandings, etc...

But once I had it worked out...  no looking back.

Best of luck.  PS - I decided to go with the allinone box even for production.

I did setup Prod for HA and will try to go that route with the secondary box at some point but for now, I'm hoping I can just scale away as the need arrises.

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