I am trying to fine-tune the Feature Layer editing capabilities in my WebMaps. I would like to have the following operations: Query,Editing,Create,Update,Delete
According to the WebMap specification, "Query" and "Editing" are currently allowed:
These values can be set in the MapViewer GUI:

However, the "e.g." in the spec indicates other possible values. I tried adding the known values from the ArcGIS Feature Service documentation to the WebMap JSON payload but they aren't honored by ArcGIS clients like the MapViewer or FieldMaps.
This is why I am asking for a full support for the five capability keywords. Also, the WebMap specification should be updated accordingly.
I know that the possibility exists to limit the capabilities to Query,Editing,Update for the whole Feature Service in ArcGIS Server Manager. However, I have several layers and tables connected by relationships which need to have different capabilities (update or delete) within a single Feature Service. My first idea was to split up these layers in different Feature Services with different capabilities. However, this is not possible as it will break up my relationships.