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Is there a way for having different editing permissions for different sublayers in a REST service? (some have create/delete; others just create)

10-15-2024 01:06 PM
Status: Open
Frequent Contributor

Let's say I have a service with a point layer feature class. And this has a related table in the service and data frame. I want users to be able to create and update the point feature class itself. But not Delete.


But I want users to be able to create, update and delete records in the related table. Or maybe a different sublayer if it was another point feature class. Is this possible? It looks like.. no?  

In short - Allow different editing permissions for different sublayers in a REST service.

Bonus: would be neat to add this to Field Maps Designer level, too.  Field Maps Designer is awesome. 

1 Comment

If your data is in SDE, perhaps you could connect to the table and the point feature class in your publishing source ArcPro project using two different SDE accounts that had different privileges to the SDE data.    So the account used to connect to the standalone table has Select Insert Update Delete granted, and the account used to connect to the point feature class only has Select Insert Update privilege, not Delete.     The entire published feature service would have to have full edit privs set in the feature access settings, but I believe the editor of the feature service would not be able to delete features from the feature class because the account used to connect to it doesn't have that privilege in SDE.      Just a caveat, If your data is related in SDE via a relationship class, I am not sure if you could grant different privs to the table vs the FC..   but if they are standalone, you should be able to, then just relate them within your ArcPro project.