Currently users granted with the Publisher access have access to all the ArcGIS Server sites within an Enterprise Portal. This is ideally suited for small and medium organizations which operate just one or two ArcGIS Server sites. However, in a multi-server multiple GIS Server site environment, we endup with multiple user groups trying to publish services. there is no control to regulate the users to the server sites to which they should be publishing. In our case - an enteprise environment with more than 2000 users - we have dedicated sites setup individually for hosting, displaying maps, network tracing and performing advanced operations.
The fact that a publisher can end up publishing maps to any of the ArcGIS server sites federated to a portal leaves very little scope for managing the distribution of services.
I would appreciate if ESRI builds additional controls for::
1. Allocate sites to specific users or portal groups.
2. Controls for setting instances
3. Alerts or support for Webhooks to administrators when settings are altered