Extend Webhooks also for features in the ArcGIS Enterprise portal

08-18-2021 03:54 AM
Status: Implemented
Regular Contributor

Since 10.7, ArcGIS Enterprise Portal supports webhooks for ArcGIS Enterprise Portal items: https://developers.arcgis.com/rest/users-groups-and-items/what-s-new-in-users-groups-and-items.htm

Unfortunately, webhook support for features is only available for ArcGIS Online hosted feature services, which means on the Enterprise portal webhooks can't listen to certain feature based events like create, update, delete, etc.: https://developers.arcgis.com/rest/services-reference/online/web-hooks-feature-service-.htm

In this Your Ideas in the June 2020 ArcGIS Online Update there was a mention on this implementation on AGOL and also linking a very similar request from January 2020, listing it as "partially implemented". Partially implemented probably means just AGOL in that case.

Unfortunately, also the release notes for 10.9 didn't give any info of this feature being implemented in the current version of ArcGIS Enterprise. I still have hopes that this will probably make its way into 10.9.1 - but if not, please make this available also for ArcGIS Enterprise. The tech is there, but just on AGOL....

There are plenty of use cases to this that we can't work on right now:

  • run ALL incoming images from any hosted feature layer (no matter from where it is updated, mobile or web form) through a image blurring service to make the GDPR compliant (requires a listener to updates on the feature)
  • push all images from a hosted feature layer to a 3rd party common data environment when updated (we tried to do this with the Survey123 connector for ArcGIS Enterprise in MS Power Automate, but this webhook only listens to changes made with the specific user that created the webhook, so basically just for personal use and not a scaleable solution at all)


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I second this. There are so many automation opportunities available with Features Services webhooks, but those can unfortunately only be realized with ArcGIS Online. 

A few example applications: tracking edits; tracking feature services usage; obtaining attachments for feature layers and re-using them in other business systems...

I think I do not need to explain that any large organizations favor the use of ArcGIS Enterprise and do not plan to migrate their Feature Services to ArcGIS Online. 

Does anybody know if this is on the ArcGIS Enterprise RoadMap? 


@AdrienComp I had a talk to someone from Esri recently and he mentioned that this is in the product plan for quite some time and should be available with version 11. Since we only update to LTRs, this means this is still a year away for us with 11.1 😞

Status changed to: Implemented

Service webhooks, which include feature service webhooks, are included as a beta feature in ArcGIS Enterprise 11.0.  Read more about beta features in our New in ArcGIS Enterprise 11.0: beta features blog and head over to the Early Adopter Community to provide further input you may have on service webhooks.