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Easier Editing Control When Bulk Publishing from Data Store Item

07-17-2020 08:40 AM
Occasional Contributor


Publishing in Bulk from a ArcGIS Data store item is incredibly convenient. That being said, we noticed very quickly that if we wanted all of the the layers that were published in bulk to have editing privileges, the workflow is very inconvenient, because you have to sign into ArcGIS Server Manager to enable editing service by service. Here are some suggestions as ways to make the management of editable layers more convenient. 

  • Have a option in the publishing in bulk from data store item workflow where you can select whether or not editing privileges are applied to the feature layers.
  • Be able to Control the editing of feature layers that were published in bulk from data store item workflow at the item level. 

I feel that we shouldn't have to log into another website to make these changes. It would be more convenient if this was able to be controlled from the content page.

Thank you for entertaining this idea. Thank you for everything and have a delightful day.


Joe Guzi

Status changed to: Under Consideration

Thumbs up on this one. We need to bulk publish around 50 feature services with editing enabled. It's a pain point having to go back to Server Manager and update the service properties manually. If anyone has any scripts to automate this step that would also work.