Add more support for Geoportal Facets

08-12-2015 10:00 AM
Status: Closed
Deactivated User
The target for this request is the Geoportal Server Team. 
With the release of Geoportal Server version 1.2.4 one of the items described as "What's New" was an "initial sample integration of Apache SOLR to enable faceting a catalog and distributing an index."  When our Bureau stood up the new version of Geoportal 1.2.4, we also stood up an instance of Geoportal Facets customization (GFC).  Our instance of GFC through testing proved promising but it's still sitting there and has not been developed or integrated with our working solution. 

Recent ESRI presentations have indicated increased support for this is "Farther Down the Road" and I would like to see ESRI provide more support for this product which leverages the Apache SOLR index taking it beyond a sample customization to a more full blown integration option for Geoportal Server.  When tested GFC seemed to provide a much faster Search and Discovery for an improved user experience. 

The architecture can be found on the Geoportal Facets page in GitHub ( and is described as:
"You can see that solr is deployed separately from the Esri Geoportal Server, and maintains a separate lucene index. Records can be pushed into this index from the Esri Geoportal Server or from other systems. The Custom solr UI exposes the solr index; this UI can be placed into the Esri Geoportal Server page structure, or can be maintained outside of the Esri Geoportal Server."
It would be really helpful if ESRI could build upon the best practice for deployment of the custom SOLR user interface, or integration with Geoportal Server page structure, so this could be leveraged toward a more out-of-the-box functionality, with less emphasis on the need for a developer's role or networking with other users who have taken a deeper dive in implementing this promising component.

Geoportal Server 2.0.0 is the next generation of open source standards-compliant metadata catalog. The Geoportal Server 2.0.0 catalog repository is at, while its sibling for harvesting is at

Geoportal Server Catalog 2.0.0 initial release features:

  • Use of Elasticsearch for cataloging and indexing content, which gives you the ability to define your own faceted search interface.
  • Support for user authentication through LDAP, OAuth2, or a simple list
  • Support for CSW 3.0.0 with OpenSearch
  • Support for ISO19115, ISO 19115-2, FGDC, Dublin Core, ArcGIS metadata formats
  • A REST API for managing the content of the catalog
  • A user interface for searching the catalog, viewing map services, uploading and deleting metadata records, and changing record ownership

We will continue to release updates on Geoportal Server 1.2.x, realizing many catalogs depend on this version. You can find this on GitHub at:

Status changed to: Closed

Thank you for this idea! You are now able to configure additional facets as part of your implementation.