Hello all,
I’ve been tasked to help our GIS department in updating Arcmap from 10.3 to 10.5.
I was going to silently deploy this software and I have a few questions after reading the “Installing ArcGIS Desktop silently” guide located here (http://desktop.arcgis.com/en/arcmap/latest/get-started/installation-guide/installing-silently.htm)
This is going to be an upgrade and not a clean install. Do I need to define the command line parameters (ESRI_LICENSE_HOST/SOFTWARE_CLASS/SEAT_PREFERENCE) or will it pick up the current settings of the already installed software? The software is currently setup as single license installs. There was a License Server in the past, but they moved to single licenses.
The guide provided by esri is pretty good when it comes to silent clean installs, but not much when it comes to silent upgrades.
It does mention upgrades ... they just don't pop out at you...and you only need to completely uninstall 10.1 and previous
If you are upgrading ; the INSTALLDIR parameter is not applicable, it will detect the installation location of the previous installation. INSTALLDIR1=<installation directory> can be used to specify an installation location for Python except on an upgrade. The default location for this feature is python27 on the local system drive.
I did see that.
I was trying to get a definite answer on the need for the rest of the command line parameters.
Short of tech support... read Curtis's Document post on this site