Got an error 1935 when I tried to install the desktop latest version on my Windows 8.1 PC. Does anyone know how to resolve this?
Solved! Go to Solution.
thanks for the suggestions. I tried all recommendations but they didn't work for me. I finally resolved the issue by reinstalling the OS. It is working now. Thanks
Hi Phung,
There are a number of possible reasons why this error may be thrown when installing ArcGIS for Desktop, some of which I have listed below:
35832 - Error 1935: An error occurred during the installation of assembly
It could be a low registry space error.
Try the following steps as mentioned in 37477 - Error 1935. An error occurred during the installation of assembly 'Microsoft VC90.OpenMP,pro...
In Windows, click Start > Run.
In the Run window, type 'regedit'.
In the Registry Editor window, navigate to the following location:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SYSTEM > CurrentControlSet > Control
In the Registry Editor dialog box, double-click RegistrySizeLimit. This opens the Edit DWORD Value dialog box.
If unable to find the RegistrySizeLimit key in the above path, click Edit > Find and search for RegistrySizeLimit. -show me-
If still unable to find the RegistrySizeLimit key, then create the key using the following steps:
a. Create the key by Right-Click > New > DWORD (32 or 64 –bit) Value.
b. Enter ffffffff as the 'Hexadecimal' value. Click the Decimal radio button
c. Enter 4294967295 as the Decimal value.
d. Select OK and proceed to Step 6, below.
In the Edit DWORD Value dialog box, enter ffffffff as the Hexadecimal value. Click on the Decimal radio button, and enter 4294967295 as the Decimal value. Click OK.
Reboot the machine.
Now proceed with the installation of ArcGIS 10.x for Desktop installation.
thanks for the suggestions. I tried all recommendations but they didn't work for me. I finally resolved the issue by reinstalling the OS. It is working now. Thanks