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Collector for ArcGIS on iOS - screen rotate 360 degrees

07-17-2014 12:18 PM
Deactivated User

Is anyone aware of a way to get the Collector for ArcGIS app on iOS to rotate 360 degrees with the screen? Currently, it will rotate to landscape mode if the device is turned sideways, but if rotated in portrait mode with the lightning connector port at the top of the device , the app switches back to portrait mode but is upside down.

The reason I am asking is that we are using an iPod Touch 5 with a BadElf GPS connected to the lighting port. It'd be ideal for us to hold the device so that the lightning port (and GPS) is at the top (see photo).

Thanks in advance!



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2 Replies
Frequent Contributor

This may be a kludge, but can you use the iOS Lock Screen to hold it in position?

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Deactivated User

Hi Kevin,

Thanks for the reply. Unfortunately I don't think that will work in this case. I can't get the app to rotate "right-side up" when the device is rotated with the bottom of the device facing up (i.e. lightning connector at the top) no matter what. I imagine this is probably a setting in the actual code of the app.

Thanks again!


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