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Can't zoom in to downloaded map in Collector

06-02-2014 12:01 PM
New Contributor
We've created a downloadable map to do an offline parcel survey for a small town.  When I download the map at the town scale, everything downloads fine and it all works, but you can't zoom in to get the smaller parcels.  Is there something I'm missing to get it to zoom or do you just have to download it at a much smaller scale?

Currently testing this on a Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 10.1 Running Android 4.1.2 and Collector version 10.2.3, build 577
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20 Replies
Frequent Contributor
I too am having this issue in regards to parcels being too small. I downloaded the ESRI Streets and Imagery at a scale of 1:13,500. When using collector offline I cannot zoom in greater than 13,500. When I am not using the offline map (not downloaded to my device) I can zoom in much closer.

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Regular Contributor

I have also had this issue. I have not been able to figure out how to consistently replicate it either.
Sometimes, I download an area, and I can zoom way in, other times, I cannot. 
I am using an iPad Air with hosted feature services offline.

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Frequent Contributor
After further investigation, it seems that the minimum scale is dependent on the size of the work area. I am using a 2000 square mile area for our county. When I use an area much smaller, like a neighborhood, I am then able to get a minimum scale much less than before, around 1:1000 instead of 1:13,500. I feel like this issue was explained in some of the help documentation for collector 10.2.2. but I'm not certain.

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Esri Notable Contributor
If you toggle from work area to map detail on the control on the bottom of the screen when you are taking a map offline you can define the level of detail you want to take offline. You might just be seeing the default value picked when you do not define the level of detail before downloading the map.

Deactivated User

As Russ says, you can set the minimum and maximum zoom scales when you download the map.  Just be sure to set the Work Area to the area you need, then set the Map Detail to the maximum zoom that you will ever want to use, then Download.

For example, if you choose a Work Area with a scale of 1:50,000, the default maximum zoom is 1:25,000.  However, after setting the Work Area, you can set Map Detail to allow zooming down to 1:1200 (depending on basemap) if you want.

It will increase the size of the download when you do that so keep an eye on the estimated size.

Occasional Contributor

Is it possible to zoom to greater than 1:1200, to say 1:200 when using a custom basemap?

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Esri Notable Contributor

If your basemap has that tiling level available you will be able to zoom to it.

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Occasional Contributor

Russell, I know what you're saying, but the maximum scale is 1:128.49 when you use the tile package dialogue in ArcMap. Is there a work around to get it to 21 levels, rather than 20?

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Esri Notable Contributor

You will have to use your own tiling scheme instead of using the ArcGIS tiling scheme to get down to that level.

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