This link is an updated set of directions that are very good
Create Geodatabase in ArcGIS Server
Create Feature Data Set
Choose coordinate system
¨ By choosing the right coordinate systems for your map, feature services, and databases, you can limit the number of transformations, as well as the error introduced each time.
¨ ESRI AGOL uses WGS 1984 Web Mercator (Auxiliary Sphere) {WGS84}
¨ WGS84 is the default coordinate system for Collector
Create Feature Class
¨ Author Feature Service
¨ Determine Fields
Standard Abbreviations list (email me—I will send it to you)
¨ Register As Versioned
¨ Add Global Ids
¨ Add Attachments (make sure to add the table to your map)
¨ Run through GNSS tools (CollectorUtils.tbx)
Create MXD / Feature Service
Publish as a Service
Configure Web Map in AGOL
¨ Add feature service
¨ Configure Pop-ups (they dictate how your app will look in collector)
Set up Collector / Receiver
Collector for ArcGIS—High-accuracy receiver
Create a location profile in Collector
ArcGIS 10.5.0 Geographic and Vertical Transformation Tables