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Process and Tips for High Accuracy GPS and Collector set up

05-03-2017 09:29 AM

Process and Tips for High Accuracy GPS and Collector set up

This link is an updated set of directions  that are very good

Create Geodatabase in ArcGIS Server

Create Feature Data Set

Choose coordinate system

¨ By choosing the right coordinate systems for your map, feature services, and databases, you can limit the number of transformations, as well as the error introduced each time. 

¨ ESRI AGOL uses WGS 1984 Web Mercator (Auxiliary Sphere) {WGS84}

¨ WGS84 is the default coordinate system for Collector

Create Feature Class

¨ Author Feature Service

¨ Determine Fields

Standard Abbreviations list (email me—I will send it to you)

¨ Register As Versioned

¨ Add Global Ids

¨ Add Attachments (make sure to add the table to your map)

¨ Run through GNSS tools (CollectorUtils.tbx)

Create MXD / Feature Service

Publish as a Service

Configure Web Map in AGOL

¨ Add feature service

¨ Configure Pop-ups (they dictate how your app will look in collector)

Set up Collector / Receiver

Collector for ArcGIS—High-accuracy receiver

Create a location profile in Collector

ArcGIS 10.5.0 Geographic and Vertical Transformation Tables

Frequent Contributor

This could be confusing, should we use WGS1984 or WGS1984 Web Mercator Auxiliary Sphere? I think we have been told to use the WGS1984 Web Mercator Auxiliary Sphere coordinate system.

Version history
Last update:
‎05-03-2017 09:29 AM
Updated by: