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From a graphSegment how do you determine a sidewalkLeftShape from sidewalkRightShape?

08-14-2012 11:16 AM
Regular Contributor
From a graphSegment how do you determine a sidewalkLeftShape from sidewalkRightShape?
Since the return from, the assumption is that I am trying to iterate through the shapes returned from:

shapes=ce.getObjectsFrom(graphSegment, ce.isShape)
shapeType=ce.getAttribute(shapes[0], '/ce/shapeType')

shapeType is 'sidewalk'? left or right..
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2 Replies
Deactivated User
try the OID / UUID

the end of it usually shows :0, :1, :2.

though I'm not perfectly sure if this is always consistent.

[ btw. same with Block and it's children ]
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Regular Contributor
Interesting thanks, I'll give it a go!
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