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Can I use Esri's regular license manager for our City Engine concurrent license

02-15-2012 06:43 AM
Emerging Contributor
Hi all,

I have downloaded City Engine 2011 and have received an "authorization number for Esri City Engine" from Esri.  My question is whether I use this "number" in our regular license manager software (we are running the license manager for ArcGIS version 10) or do we need to install a different license manager.  I already called tech support and finally got a person who said they didn't know how to install a concurrent license of the software 😞

Would appreciate any and all help,

Steve Holmes
City of Loveland
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1 Reply
Deactivated User
Hi Steve,

If you got an Activation Code, it will automatically create a nodelocked license on your machine.

If you need a concurrent license, you must request one from customer service ( ) .

for the installation procedure, see here :

Lemme know if you have other questions !
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