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Vertical Datum transformation (Error 999999)

10-02-2018 08:01 AM
New Contributor

We have been using TerraFlex recently to collect some GIS data in the field. We have also realized that TerraFlex gives us HOE for the Z values. I believe I have figured out how to get from the HOE value TerraFlex gives us to NAD83 ellipsoid height, however then when I go to do a vertical datum transformation from NAD83 to NAVD88 I keep getting these error messages:

Error 999999: Error executing function.

invalid extent for output coordinate system

The Project method cannot do a datum transformation.

When I put in my parameters I set the XY coordinate system to the same (NAD83) and change the Z coordinate system from NAD83 to NAVD88 and the transformation using the GEOID12B model come up, yet I still get this error.

What am I doing wrong?

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