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Sun Shadow Volume - how to create sequence of shadows

12-23-2012 03:21 PM
Deactivated User
I have just spent a day trying to create sequence of shadows and finally decided to ask if it is possible. I have created surface (tin), extruded polygon (something like a building) and used "Sun Shadow Volume" tool to create sequence of shadows. I entered following parameters:

input features: my extruded polygon
start date and time:  2012-12-24 02:12:15
output feature class: my output feature class
adjusted for ...: true
time zone: according to system locale
end date and time: 2012-12-28 02:12:15  (simply a few days later)
iteration interval:  1
iteration unit: hour

I thought (was sure) it will produce something like: 4 days * 24h = 96 shadows, but I was wrong. It produced only 4 shadows, each for 07:58:55 (or close to it) every day.

Is this behavior normal? How can I get output for every hour for a few days.

I think I must have misunderstood tutorial/ArcGIS help, or maybe there is any bug in this tool.

Do you have any experience in this field?

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2 Replies
Deactivated User


I want to create shadow but I got errors.

I also input the extruded polygon and using sun shadow volume tool to do that but there is no surface (tin).

input features: extruded polygon

start date and time:  2015-1-25 07:00:15

output feature class: output feature class

time zone: UTC +8

end date and time: 2015-1-26 07:00:15

iteration interval:  1

iteration unit: hour

However, the result shows that the output feature is empty and there is an error (999999).

Anyone can help me to solve this? Thanks a lot.


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Deactivated User

Finally, I created some shadow but I also have the same problem with you.

I do not know how to set the iteration unit and interval too.

Can anyone help me ?
Thanks a lot.

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