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Integration of BIM and GIS (from ArcScene to Revit)

04-09-2015 07:53 AM
Deactivated User


I am doing a project related to integration of BIM and GIS and I successfully import the BIM (revit project) to shapefile in ArcScene.
But now, I do not know how to import the shapefile to Revit.

The following method I was tried but failed:

1. convert shapefiles to DWG format by "quick export" in "data interoperability" in ArcScene.

the result loading for more than 12 hours so I cancelled it.

2. convert shapefiles to CityGML by "quick export" in "data interoperability" in ArcScene.
then convert the CityGML to DWG format via FME data conveter

the DWG file was linked to Revit but the file cannot be loaded into Revit.

3. export shapefiles to CAD in ArcScene.

failed to execute in ArcScene. The result stated that the operation was attempting on an empty geometry.

4. convert shapefiles to IFC standard in FME data converter

The outputted IFC is only 2KB. No feature was imported and shown in Revit.

The shapefiles are many component of a building.

Any suggestions to import the shapefiles to Revit?
Thank you very much.


5 Replies
Esri Contributor

A couple of thoughts:

1. The free plug-in from Safe Software for REVIT is the best way to get useful GIS features out of REVIT and into the Data Interoperability Extension on its way to an ArcGIS Database or shapefile, etc...

2. If you already have ArcGIS data and want to create a .DWG file.  The ArcGIS [EXPORT TO CAD] tool can accomplish this.  If the data that you want to export is MULTIPATCH then you'll want to convert it to 3D Polygons first, using a tool like FEATURE TO POLYGON.

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Emerging Contributor

Dear Ying Yeung, could you please explain how did you achieve to import from revit into arcGIS?

Many thanks in advance

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Emerging Contributor

Dear Ying Yeug ,my question about import and export IFC to the ARC GIS platform? could you please explain that 

Many thanks in advance

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New Contributor

hello Ying

I ran into your same problem without finding a solution.
I need to export a 3d feature to an IFC file.
I used the data interoperability tool but it gives me the error
"IFC: Unable to write objects" and "None of the layers to be read contain features in the selection set.
Therefore all the features in the layers will be read" and create an empty IFC file of only 2KB.

I hope you have found the solution.

Best regards

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New Contributor

Hello everyone,

Has there been a solution to this issue? 

I am also trying to figure out the same. I'm still quite new to using FME and I always get the same error encountered by @FrancescoSantoro  when converting the shapefile to IFC. I am using ArcGIS Pro in reading the Revit file to GIS but I am not sure how to do the other way around.

Hoping someone has a workaround. Thanks in advance 🙂

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