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Converting CAD solids as closed MultiPatches

11-03-2022 11:53 PM
New Contributor
I have DWG files with solids geometries.

When I'm using CAD to GeoDatabase on arcpro (2.9), some of the solids converted as closed multipatches and some as open multipatches. By running Is Closed 3D tool I can understand which of them are open/closed.

I know I can use the Enclose Multipatch tool but it's results are not good enough.

I also don't understand if the problem is in the DWG drawing or in the conversion to gdb feature classes.

how can I validate that the solids in the DWG will be closed multipatch before or while I convert to feature classes?

1 Reply
Occasional Contributor

I have a similar problem with solids created in Sketchup. In Sketchup, 3D cubatures (solids) are generated on the basis of polygons (from AGP) and these are returned to the GDB in ArcGIS PRo via the export interface via 3D-objects (e.g. DAE files). There they are displayed correctly as multipatches. But a volume calculation, for example, fails because the geometries are said to be not closed. I don't know why that could be. A subsequent workaround with the "Enclose Multipatch" tool creates a new feature class with closed multipatches. However, no attribute fields are transferred, which have to be added afterwards in a further process. That's annoying.

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