I'm not the OP, but I've tried for the last couple of weeks (off & on) to get this working for a couple of field crews on several platforms (Windows 10, iOS, and Android) using the latest versions of everything (apps, firmware, etc). My experience mirrors Aaron Worthley's as described on Feb 4 above: "I was able to connect to the R2 with GNSS status, set up corrections and get a good position. However, after setting the location provider to the bluetooth R2 in Collector, GNSS status would lose it's connection to the R2 as soon as you open the map in Collector, then you get no position in collector." In my case, messing with the NMEA settings did nothing. The only one that even remotely seems to work is iOS. TBH, I'm demoing a Trimble R2 unit for purchase (was planning on purchasing approx. 3) and unless someone can provide a silver bullet, I guess I'll start looking for an alternative. Trimble's lack of support and documentation on the process is also astounding (basically just telling the trimble rep I'm dealing with "it works and Collector v18.03 has direct integration with the R2").
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