Follow these instructions to calculate the percentage and degrees slope for any polyline layer with z values.
1. Add fields to the attribute table for: a) straight line length; b) percentage slope; c) degrees slope.
2. Use the Field Calculator to compute the straight line length using this Python code. NB - if your polylines are straight, then you can omit this step and instead calculate the Length field using 'Calculate Geometry' as normal.
Code block:
import math
def GetDistance(shape):
distance = math.sqrt((math.pow(shape.firstpoint.x - shape.lastpoint.x, 2)) + (math.pow(shape.firstpoint.y - shape.lastpoint.y, 2)))
return distance
3. Use the Field Calculator to compute the percentage slope using this Python code. NB - if you have straight polylines then you can subsitute the normal 'Length' field for the straight line length (called Straight_L in this example).
Code block:
import math
def GetSlopePerc(shape, leng):
ratio = (math.fabs(shape.lastpoint.z - shape.firstpoint.z))/ leng
percentage = ratio * 100
return percentage
4. Use the Field Calculator to compute the percentage slope using this Python code. Note that Slope_pcen is the percentage slope field.
Code block:
import math
def GetSlopeDeg(shape, percentage):
ratio = percentage / 100
radians = math.atan(ratio)
degrees = radians * (180/math.pi)
return degrees
Alternatively, you can return the slope in degrees using this maths module function:
(Thanks to Neil Ayres for suggesting this alteration)
Hopefully this has been helpful! Let me know if these codes through any errors for you.