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find closest facilities

01-02-2018 02:34 PM
New Contributor

How to I set parameters in ArcGIS Pro to find nearest facilities and show drive times? I need to also determine where I input the starting point, i.e. "show all post offices within a 10 minute drive time of x".

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5 Replies
MVP Emeritus

are you trying to follow or emulate the closest facilities tutorial?

New Contributor

This looks along the lines of what I need Dan. I hadn’t seen the tutorial before, so let me give that a try. Thanks!

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New Contributor

Hi again,

I am unable to successfully connect to the training data and display. After connecting to the transportation folder and attempting to “drag and drop” the data into the map, I receive an error message (attached) about upgrading my ArcGIS metadata.



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MVP Emeritus

don't drag and drop stuff... especially the part about the template 

Did you follow these instructions from the first page?

Get the data

The data for this tutorial is available for download on

  1. Go to the item description web page of the Network Analyst tutorial data on
  2. Click Open > Download, and save the file locally.
  3. Unzip the downloaded file.

Create a map

  1. Open ArcGIS Pro.
  2. Create a new project based on the Map.aptx template.

    A new project with a map appears.

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New Contributor

Hi Dan, yeah, I was trying to add in the street network data as per the attached snapshot…

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