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Survey123 API usin python

11-13-2024 02:03 PM
Regular Contributor

Good day,


I am attempting to use the survey123 create report api to run some tests.  I am using the documentation found here to run a post request in python. 


My code is below and gives me an error message


import requests

# Define the parameters
survey_id = "4821fdadbd0f48c9b060615e9xxxx" # Replace with your actual Survey ID
template_item_id = "da82c957fe134248b356e899acxxxxx" # The ID of your report template item
token = "token"

# Authentication token from ArcGIS Online or your Portal

# Define the report request payload
payload = {
"f": "json",
"portalUrl": "https://mygis/portal",
"queryParameters": {"objectIds":"532","orderByFields":"||last_edited_date DESC, objectid ASC"},
"templateItemId": template_item_id,
"outputReportName": "Test report",
"surveyItemId": survey_id,
"featureLayerUrl": "",
"outputFormat": "docx", # or "docx"
"token": token

# Submit the report job request
url = f""
response =, data=payload)

# Process the response
if response.status_code == 200:
data = response.json()
if 'jobId' in data:
print("Report job submitted successfully!")
print("Job ID:", data['jobId'])
# Optionally, you can check the job status or get the result when complete
print("Failed to submit report job:", data)
print("Error submitting report job:", response.status_code, response.text)


error message 

Failed to submit report job: {'error': {'message': 'The "queryParameters" must include at least one of the following: "objectIds", "where", or "geometry".', 'code': '017'}, 'success': False}


Any help would be appreciated

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2 Replies
MVP Regular Contributor

Is objectIds meant to be a list?

"objectIds": [532]

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Regular Contributor

I'm not sure how you want to achieve this, but you might try using the arcgis API for python:

I found this to be much easier.

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