I'm displaying a WMTS layer using the Kotlin Maps SDK. When the internet connection is poor, some map tiles fail to load, and blurred tiles are shown instead. Ideally, these tiles should reload once the connection improves, but sometimes this doesn't happen. Is there a workaround to ensure that tiles always reload when the connection stabilizes, or is this a bug in the SDK?
You can easily reproduce this issue by trying to load a map area without an internet connection and then turning the connection back on. While dragging and zooming, some tiles will remain blurry indefinitely, as shown in the screenshot.
Thank you for your help!
@mobileuser we are going to investigate this. Please could you provide some more information:
- Which version of the Kotlin Maps SDK are you using?
- Have you noticed this problem only with one specific WMTS service or can you reproduce it with different services? Also do you see similar issues with other types of tiled services, such as Esri's basemaps / ArcGISTiledLayer / ArcGISVectorTiledLayer?
- Is your WMTS service publicly accessible so we can test it directly?
@Gunterr That sounds great! Thank you for your response.
With the following I could not reproduce it:
Sometimes it is quite tricky to reproduce the issue. I don't really recognize a pattern. The two layers I could reproduce it with use a different map projection than the other one. Maybe this helps. Thanks for your investigation.