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Merge ignoring input FieldMappings object?

10-04-2024 02:32 PM
New Contributor

On Pro 3.3.2. Hello, I've been using custom python tools to standardize data for a few years. Recently, the Merge rule  seems to be ignoring the input FieldMappings object. Print statements indicate the field maps are being created properly, there are no issues in schema (these are fixed in script)... Please let me know if you notice anything I'm missing or have wrong in the following snippet. Thanks. 


printMessage(f"Creating FieldMappings for {fmaps_flag} fields")
f_Mappings = arcpy.FieldMappings()

wait_flag = False
for s_field, param in c_dict.items():
    #Skip if waiting for paired field
    if wait_flag: 
        param = c_dict[s_field[:-1] + 'L']
        wait_flag = False
    #Check if L field has a matching R field
    elif s_field[-1:] == 'L' and param and not c_dict[s_field[:-1] + 'R']:
        wait_flag = True
    if param:
        field_map_index = f_Mappings.findFieldMapIndex(s_field)
        fieldMap = f_Mappings.getFieldMap(field_map_index)
        fieldMap.addInputField(rc, param)
        fieldMap.mergeRule = 'First'
        f_Mappings.replaceFieldMap(field_map_index, fieldMap)
        arcpy.AddMessage(f"{param:<18}--->     {s_field}")

for fmap in f_Mappings.fieldMappings:
    outp =
    if c_dict[str(outp)]: arcpy.AddMessage(f"{outp} input field:  {fmap.getInputFieldName(fmap.findInputFieldIndex(rc, c_dict[str(outp)]))}")
printMessage("Preparing Data for Merge")
#Pre-merge calculations for non-Douglas counties
inpt = [st_class, rc]
if fmaps_flag:
    #Douglas is submitting files that do not allow null values
    if "Douglas" not in county:
        arcpy.AddMessage("Calculating Fields (Pre-merge)...")  
        calcFields(rc, c_dict, False)
    arcpy.AddMessage("Merging data..."), merge_path, field_mappings=f_Mappings)     
    arcpy.AddMessage("WARNING: No FieldMappings...")
    arcpy.AddMessage("Merging data without field mappings...")
    arcpy.Merge_management([st_class, rc], merge_path)
arcpy.AddMessage("Merge Complete!")


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MVP Esteemed Contributor

bug, in product plan to be fixed

BUG-000171352 for ArcGIS Pro (

... sort of retired...