I've been trying to write a script to extract values from some rasters (.tif) to a point shapefile. After sometime I noticed I'm not getting the same values I get when running the same tool from Arcgis Interface.
This is the calling for the tool on the script:
inPointFeatures = "C:\\Users\\pbi.ap\\Desktop\\GUSTAVO_GEO\\CHUVA\\Vetores\\Pontos_SP.shp"
output_field_name = "valor_mean"
I've seen a post from 2013 about this same issue but links for workarounds are no longer working.
This is a sample of both outputs. Yellow points are values equal to -9999 empty points
Anyone has any idea how to solve this ?
Have you tried setting the environment setting, may be that's having a influence? Also try a different raster format.