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Cannot open feature class in a GDB, "Error opening feature class. General Function Failure"

10-19-2019 04:12 PM
New Contributor III

Hi mates,

I have a feature class in my GDB but I cannot open it now, with the error message "Error opening feature class. General Function Failure", like screenshot below.

I cannot load the data to ArcCatalog or ArcMao anymore, could you please help?

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2 Replies
Esri Frequent Contributor

Is this in a file or enterprise geodatabase?

Any other feature classes have the same error message when added to the desktop client?

Can any other users add the same data?

--- George T.
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Frequent Contributor III

in arc catalog create a model that will export the featureclass as a shape file

export the model as a python script.

Run the script and see if you can open the shapefile. 

if it works you can rebuild the faulty feature class in your database from the shape file

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