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I'm looking for study material for the 10.5 Professional exam.

05-22-2018 11:06 AM
New Contributor

I'm looking for study material for the 10.5 Professional exam. I noticed the 10.5 Associate exam study guide is now available for purchase. Would it be worth purchasing this to help prepare for the Professional exam?

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2 Replies
Esri Contributor

Michael Wolff

We have had such a great response to the Desktop Associate Study guide, that we have an author currently working on the Desktop Professional guide.  However, this process takes about 6 months, and I assume you don't want to wait for that publication. 


So, my recommendation would be to look through the qualifications and skills measured for both exams to see if there is significant overlap in subject matter.  If you find that the topics from the Associate exam align with topics you want to study, then you will be able to make an informed decision.  Additionally, I would recommend downloading the Preparation Resources document to review any training courses that might correlate to your topics of interest. Also, check out the free web course with sample questions for each exam that can help you prepare.


If you still have questions, please feel free to reach out to our team at

JRosales _GISJessi Mielke

New Contributor

Thanks for the quick response. Yeah, unfortunately I can't wait that long. Desktop Pro Certification is required by my employer by September. I took the sample questions and didn't do so well there, so I'm looking for help anywhere I can find it. I'll follow your recommendations and absorb everything I can. Thank you!