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Build Google Maps API based Web Apps by using ArcGIS Image & Map Servers

11-17-2016 08:56 AM

Build Google Maps API based Web Apps by using ArcGIS Image & Map Servers

Beautiful marriage between ArcGIS Map & Imagery analytics and Google Maps API! Both ESRI and Google Maps are major players in the GIS arena. There are many situations that the architect team decided to use Google Maps API as the corporate or project standard. But Google Map doesn’t have enough GIS analytics capability. How can we integrate ArcGIS ImageServer and ArcGIS Javascript API into Google Map apps seamlessly and make them work together in harmony? We found the best practices and patterns.

We developed generic purpose Google-ArcGIS adaptor modules, which serve as a proxy to between them. The end result is that we users can do any client & server side raster calculations (e.g. multispectral bands indices) on-the-fly against ArcGIS Map & Image services of Landsat, Elevation, UAV/Drone imagery etc. The turn-around time is super short. If the user is happy with imagery analytics result, they can click the button to either save the client side result of the current map extent or trigger a geoprocessing task to run the same calculation on the server side and save the result for the whole imagery at the maximal pixel level. We also made the client side analytics customizable – just provide the URL of an ArcGIS service, the tool will retrieve and show the service information on the page, e.g., pixel size, band count, built-in server-side raster functions, etc., and hook then up and run analytics instantly. In addition, it provide support for customizable client-side raster functions. The handy DRA and intuitive ColorMap and ColorRamp are available to customize the rendering rules. More over, we can do the weeds detection/classification based on the UAV imagery, see attachments. ArcGIS and Google Maps API - two great things work together.

New Contributor

It is amazing to see that ArcGIS and Google Map API 3 can work together! We have tried a lot before, it didn't work and there were few resources addressing this issue.

New Contributor

Looking forward to seeing the demo.

Version history
Last update:
‎11-17-2016 08:56 AM
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