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View picture stored in attribute colomn

11-10-2024 09:13 PM
Frequent Contributor

I create a blob colomn on a Feature Class. I have populated this colomn by the value from another table using normal query (update ajt_gis.point SET gbr = (select data from ajt_gis.point__attach)
where objectid = 2;

Actually I want to conduct a survey with this scenario : This survey involves viewing the old picture by the surveyor to make sure that they are in the right place. Then the surveyor will take another picture (new picture) of the building. So the data has 2 pictures  : old and new. The Old one is stored in the blob colomn of Feature Class whereas the New one is stored in the attachment. 

Is it possible ?

How do I possibly view this blob colomn on the Feature Class using web map / arcgis desktop / apps by arcgis ? I know I can view the picture by using attachment.

I am using Enterprise 11.0 with Postgres 16



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