ArcGIS Workflow Manager Server Role: JOBID, mail and migrate.

04-25-2023 09:31 AM
Esri Contributor

I am using the Server role of ArcGIS Workflow Manager and I have three related questions. I appreciate any information and help to solve them:

  1. Workflow Manager generates an automatic and consecutive JOBID. Is it possible to edit it (not manually one by one) so that it is generated with a different set of initials and non-consecutive numbers? Maybe by reading an external file or through arcade?
  2. There is a step to send an email and a destination email must be defined. Is it possible to add not just an email but a group so that the email goes to multiple people (without having to add each email individually in that field, but adding a group of users as it works in Outlook)?
  3. Can the created Workflows be migrated, downloaded or exported to be used in another Enterprise?

Thank you very much for your attention

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1 Reply
New Contributor


1. When I want to change my job name, I add a step to update job properties, then use Arcade to define it. If you have an extended properties table or a S123 that you are using within your workflow you can pull from there. You would not be able to pull (from my understanding) from an attachment. 

2. I think email groups are on the list of improvements, but I do not believe it has been done yet (hopefully someone can correct me if I am wrong because groups would be AMAZING!)

3. I have not been able to download/export a workflow. I find even duplicating them can cause issues when it comes to the extended properties tables. It would be helpful to be able to take a 'test' environment and move it into 'production' though.


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