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Advanced Slider Widget for filtering on Dashboard Theme

01-22-2018 05:25 AM
Status: Open
Occasional Contributor

Would be nice to see the time slider widget further developed so that

  • you could embed the control in the new dashboard theme on the web app builder
  • rather than play the time series, the user could drag the range acting as an effective way to filter time series data.

Coupled with the existing spatially filtered info graphics, this would really enhance the dashboard capabilities

Building on this, actually just a slider widget which could be applied to either numbers of dates would be a great addition. This would allow the development of dashboards which provide user the capability to drag filters and see the impact on spatial data (i.e. sites over xxx Ha, delivering after xxxx year, etc)


Yes, it would be great to extend the slider widget so that it can be pointed at a numeric field. I've gotten this request from my end-user decision makers so that I don't have to build a bunch of fixed filters for them to turn on and off. A simple data slider widget would be a great addition to the Web App Dashboard template


Yes!  A simple concept.  I was surprised to learn it wasn't already part of the slider widget.


Here is a link to a similar proposal which other users may be interested in voting up:


I'd love to see a slider widget for 3D-Enviroment/WebApps, too!


This would provide so much more functionality and detail for users!  The time slider is a common widget that our users demand.  And dashboards are likewise a high demand theme.  It makes little sense to have a timeslider in a dashboard without the ability for the widgets to interact.  In fact, users will likely be confused without any training on how to use the application.


My organization just joined the Waze Connected Citizen Program, and we are trying to make an app for our users to select a start/end time and see all the alerts that happened during this time.  The current time-slider widget is not intuitive enough for our users to use.  It is really tiny, and the font is hard to read.  It is unclear when you drag the slider that you could be just making the skip interval even larger.  This widget would be great with a side panel user interface where users can use a drop down field to specify start and end times, field to specify their desired time interval, and then playback tools such as start and pause.

With Esri pushing GeoEvent, real-time data, and IOT as much as they are, they should seriously consider rolling out an improved time slider widget for Web AppBuilder.


Please allow AGOL the time functions and options that arcgis Pro has. The time function is a very powerful tool for GIS project buy-in by administrators, supervisors, and the public. Currently the online version of the time slider is severely limiting! Specifically, I would love to see AGOL enable the ArcPro time option that allows the slider to focus only available data instead of equal time frames or time ranges. Thanks!