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Survey embedded in ExB always timing out when submitting

10-10-2024 01:52 AM
Frequent Contributor

Hi there


I have a large survey embedded in ExB which I few months ago used ot work during testing. Coming back to the project now anytime it is filled out with any amount of data and submitted it seems to always time out (see below).

Has anyone come across this before?



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5 Replies
MVP Regular Contributor

ArcGIS Online or Enterprise?

ArcGIS Online it could be related to survey design or temporary service disruption issues.

ArcGIS enterprise it could be tied to firewall and IT.

Do you get this issue accessing the service directly? Submitting outside of the experience? Any changes to the survey form or layer, including the content in the users account?

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Frequent Contributor

Hi there


This is in AGOL, I have tested again this morning after removing the old survey and republishing but I still cannot submit a complete form, even with minimal fields used. I have tested this in both ExB imbedded and opening the survey directly in the browser.

I have tested on mobile and I got the error "Arithmetric overflow error converting expression to data type smallint. The statement has been terminted."


Any thoughts?


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MVP Regular Contributor
A value in your question is too large it's exceeding integer limits?
Frequent Contributor




I followed the link you sent thank you! Changing this now makes it work on mobile but still not within browser (see errors above) im not quite sure what to try next, is there anyway to limit the timeout length as due to the length of the survey it may just be taking too long?

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Frequent Contributor

Have raised a ticket with ESRI

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