Support WMTS time parameter in ArcGIS Survey123

12-23-2021 01:44 AM
New Contributor II

WMTS with valid "time" dimension (according to OGC standards) can be displayed in ArcGIS Portal in e.g. a webmap (as layer or basemap). When using the same webmap as basemap in (a) Survey123 Connect or (b) Survey123 mobile app, the WMTS is not shown. I tested the WMTS without time parameter in all above mentioned apps - then it worked.

The same issue occurs when using the webmap in ArcGIS field maps mobile app.

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4 Replies
New Contributor III

This would be very useful!

0 Kudos
New Contributor II

Is there any development effort to support this function? Web Maps as well as ArcGIS Field Maps already support the WMTS time parameter in. It would be great if Survey123 also supported this function, in order that we can work with a consistent system.

New Contributor III

This would be very useful!

0 Kudos
New Contributor III

Agree...this clearly has to be an oversight from the Dev team. Why would FieldMaps support this but not Survey123? Extremely important feature for everyone working with WMTS...