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Repeat questions filter through a list of inspection questions

02-22-2024 07:09 AM
Frequent Contributor

Hello all! 

I have a question about developing an inspection form from paper to digital. I am posting this in survey 123, but I also realize it might be possible (or better) to complete it in field maps. 

In this scenario, I am trying to develop inspection forms for our natural resources team for construction sites. Each site will have some information that will always be associated with that area (name, address, permit number, owner, etc).

Per each survey, general information (inspection date, inspector, weather, reason, etc.) will need to be filled out at the beginning. These will generally be text or number fields.

The next grouping of inspection questions is where I am having trouble developing a form/picking software. The inspection form that is currently being used has six categories with a various number of questions in each section (between 1 and 6 questions). For each question, we have the same condition checkboxes to be filled out (compliant, deficient, noncompliant, NA) as well as a picture/caption. 

Initially, I thought that the repeat function could work well in Survey123 Connect to repeat the condition checkboxes and picture/caption to each question. However, in the repeat, I would also want the category and question so that during reviews and in the development of reports, I can format it similar to how it is currently being shown (see picture below). 

Current Site inspection form layout. Categories in Gray, with relevant questions below. "status" is the same for each question, and each question should have the ability to attach an image/captionCurrent Site inspection form layout. Categories in Gray, with relevant questions below. "status" is the same for each question, and each question should have the ability to attach an image/caption

As I am trying to develop this, I would truly like the inspections to be related to the site based on the permit number. that way, in a map viewer, our team can click on a site and parse through the inspections being completed. 

The only thing I am not sure how to develop (in either program) is the repeating questions.

In Survey123, I know this could be done through repeats but am not sure how to tie the category/question to each repeat

In field maps, I am not sure if repeating questions (like how I want it to be done in Survey123 is possible). The nice thing about using field maps is that the construction site can be related to the inspection form. Can I do a double relate between Site > inspection > repeating questions?


A few different articles I have looked at are the following, but none quite hit the mark. Happy to discuss more!

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3 Replies
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I've been working on an inspections form in Survey 123 where as in your situation each location has information that is separate from that collected during repeated visits for inspections. What got me started down the right path with using repeats is by using the ESRI Hydrant Inspections template as a model for how you set up the repeats. You can certainly build your survey so that it launches from a link in the popup of a feature you collect in Field Maps - in this kind of workflow usually people in the field collect a location, collect new data or update some fields for existing features directly in Field Maps, then launch a survey 123 form from the popup to capture inspection specific information.

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Thanks, @clt_cabq! I did give the hydrant template a look over and built a service based off of that, so far, everything is working fine. I went to try to put the feature class of locations/basic fields into field maps, but it says it can't be edited. Have you ever ran into that issue?

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@LeahG its been a while since i worked with field maps i can't recall if there is a setting you need to make there in order to make a layer editable separate from other places. Have you made sure the editing settings are correct in the layer settings page?





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