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Pulldata @layer caches values

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09-07-2023 06:43 AM
Regular Contributor


I am using the pulldata@layer to count the no. of records and add one.


the configuration of the xls seems to be perfect as I do have the totalCount and the increment.

But it works only once on each device, then the count is cashed and the only way to get rid of the value is to uninstall the survey123 field app, not even delete the survey or clear the cache from the app settings.

Tested on Field App on Windows and Android. even on the preview of Survey123 Connect the value is never updated.



Any thoughts?


This post seems to be solved with a solution that I did not understand: Solved: Pulldata @layer seems to be caching results - Esri Community

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1 Solution

Accepted Solutions
Esri Notable Contributor

@PanGIS  Survey123 is in fact caching the request.  The workaround is to add an extra parameter to the URL with a string that always changes to avoid caching.

For example, concat(${yourURL},"&t=",now())

This is a known problem logged as BUG-000158969 .  The bug is in the queue for resolution but for now the workaround above should do.

View solution in original post

4 Replies
MVP Regular Contributor

Honestly, not sure offhand. But that post you linked does sound like the issue you are experiencing.

Out of curiosity, did you try this? I see you also have 1=1 in your formula.



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Regular Contributor

Hi @abureaux It was my first try but in my case, the totalCount disappeared from the form and it was showing nothing also on the incremental field.

It could be that I removed it in the wrong way though.

Anyway the solution provided by Ismael worked.



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Esri Notable Contributor

@PanGIS  Survey123 is in fact caching the request.  The workaround is to add an extra parameter to the URL with a string that always changes to avoid caching.

For example, concat(${yourURL},"&t=",now())

This is a known problem logged as BUG-000158969 .  The bug is in the queue for resolution but for now the workaround above should do.

New Contributor

Hi Ismael, I have the same problem because I am trying to take the information from an existing view where the status of the assets from the previous day is, but when I call this view in the survey using pulldata, it does not take the most recent status.
This is the last part of my pulldata : concat("ID = '",${ID_NO}, "'")

I don't know how to clear the cache. 

Thank you,

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