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Cascading Questions and Exported Data Shift

08-11-2020 10:13 AM
New Contributor

I have a survey with a series of cascading questions that is giving me a bit of a fit when we download the results of a survey.  It is a series of three questions relating to predation.  Question one is a select_ one yes_no if there was predation present.  If yes, then question two is a select_multiple about what type(s) of predators caused the predation which also includes an other as a selection.  If you select other, a third 'question' text box appears so the user can type in the other predator not listed in the initial list.  This third question's data is giving us a bit of a fit when we export the data into an Excel spreadsheet.  My users will collect data in the field and many times they do not have an other thus the third question never appears to the crew in the field.  At the end of a week, I download the data and copy and paste the new rows of data to a master Excel sheet stored in a secure cloud location.  When I paste, it is as if this column does not exist and all the data shifts one column to the left and all the data does not appear under the correct heading.  I have a two question cascading series of questions before this in the survey and it doesn't seem to have the same affect on the data.  I have tried to put a default of NA for this question to at least get a placeholder but that doesn't seem to help or even show up unless other is selected.  Any help would be appreciated!

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4 Replies
by Anonymous User
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Hi Brian,

How are you downloaded the data, from AGO or Survey123 website via the Export to Excel option? Does the data look ok when you view it in the Data tab in AGO or Survey123 website before export? What about if you export to FGDB and open in Pro?

Do you have a copy of the xslx form file so we can take a look at how it is configured, and also do you have a copy of the feature layer schema to see how it was created?

Also, can you provide a copy of the exported data to see what you are referring to in the data? Does the text field that user are trying into contain commas or other characters?



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New Contributor

Thanks for the reply.

We are downloading from the Survey 123 website via Export to Excel option.  That is the way we need to do it since I need the ability of non-Pro users to download the data.

The data looks fine on the 123 website.  The column has no data in it and that is fine.  The column header is there.

I can provide whatever you need, just let me know where to send it!

The text field contains nothing, no commas or other characters.

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by Anonymous User
Not applicable

Hi Brian,

I just sent you a private message with my contact details.


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by Anonymous User
Not applicable

Hi Brian,


I had a look at the attachments you sent via email. The data downloaded from AGO in screenshot1.jpg appears correct as per the survey configuration and schema. All the column titles/labels match the survey and the data is in the correct columns. Based on this I would say the export is working correctly.


If you are seeing issues copying this data to another workbook or worksheet, I would suggest trying to copy the needed cells/rows as “values only” so that formatting is not copied over to the new sheet.



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