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Assigned required user type extensions: [Utility Network Service].

11-05-2024 12:41 AM
Emerging Contributor

I use ArcGIS Runtime SDK for Android version 100.15

I have try add new feature to feature service have utility network in mobile but it's throw error

"Error: You cannot edit as you have not been assigned required user type extensions: [Utility Network Service]."

Code below

        val featureTable = featureLayer.featureTable!! as ServiceFeatureTable
        featureTable.credential = UserCredential("xyz", "Abc_123456@")
        featureTable.addDoneLoadingListener {
            val feature = featureTable.createFeature() as ArcGISFeature
            feature.addDoneLoadingListener {
                if (feature.loadStatus == LoadStatus.FAILED_TO_LOAD) {
                    Toast.makeText(requireContext(), "Error", Toast.LENGTH_LONG)
                attributes.forEach { (key, value) ->
                    feature.attributes[key] = value
                feature.geometry = point
                    .addDoneListener { applyEdits(featureTable) }

My license


Thanks in advance!

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3 Replies
Esri Contributor


Have few questions:
1. Whats the ArcGIS Enterprise version you are working with?
2. Is the error coming from applyEdits call or addFeature call ?
3. Are you setting any license on ArcGISRuntimeEnvironment class (using string/portalInfo)?
4. How is your feature table constructed, using an url or getting it from a featurelayer in a webmap?


0 Kudos
Emerging Contributor

1. Whats the ArcGIS Enterprise version you are working with?

- Version 11.2

2. Is the error coming from applyEdits call or addFeature call ?

- It's coming from applyEdits call

3. Are you setting any license on ArcGISRuntimeEnvironment class (using string/portalInfo)?

- No, i'm not setting any license on ArcGISRuntimeEnvironment

4. How is your feature table constructed, using an url or getting it from a featurelayer in a webmap?

- I get it from a featurelayer in a webmap from portal

0 Kudos
Esri Contributor

Since the error is coming from applyEdits, it suggests the enterprise service is returning this message. Can you check if your Advanced Editing licenses assigned to the users or may be it requires the licenses to be reassigned as suggested in this blog


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