Data send error 500

06-27-2023 04:59 PM
New Contributor II

Hi, I'm baffled and have looked through the forum here at least a bit. 

I set up a Quick Capture project on our enterprise portal that sends data to 2 different layers (wet-dry and inc-obs). We downloaded it onto our devices at the beginning of June, collected data offline through last week, and synced data whenever we were able to be in the office. The data from the wet-dry layer sent with no problem. All of the data for the inc-obs layer did not send. This happened on 2 different Android devices. 

Since then, as part of troubleshooting, both I and another user have collected data for the inc-obs layer in Quick Capture, both online and offline. It has synced successfully for both of us with no problem (I used an iPhone and he used and Android tablet). I checked the sharing on both the layers and the quick capture project, and all are shared with the exact same groups.

I emailed the data to myself and followed the "Data Recovery" instructions to see what the error is. This is what I see:

{"error":{"code":500,"details":["Unable to perform addFeatures operation.","An error occurred."],"message":"Unable to complete operation."}}

On both devices with issues, I've restarted the devices, closed and reopened the app, logged out and back into our enterprise portal, and still sending the records fails every time. 

I'm flummoxed. Any thoughts for other things to try or check?

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2 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor

Could you send the Data recovery file to We'll take a look at it.


New Contributor II

Thanks, will do!

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