I have several working Pro add-in buttons where the OnClick() methods contain single QueuedTasks that contain calls to public methods that I keep in an internal class "SharedMethods". Because the public methods consistently return values as expected, I haven't used Async/Await or QueuedTasks in these methods, but now I want to create a more complex public method that explicitly runs asynchronously and returns type long (or anything other than void or a task). Are there any examples of this available? I thought that this post might be relevant: , but I couldn't make a public method (async or not) return the value of the QueuedTask as suggested in that example.
First of all, do I have to make these public methods Async, or is calling them from within a QueuedTask sufficient? If they must be Async, how do I get these methods to return a value of type long instead of void or a task?
Or should I be taking another approach entirely to making my add-ins modular?
Here's my attempt at a public method:
public async static long GetContainedLegOid(FeatureLayer MapMember, Geometry shape, Int64 faid, string startEnd)
return QueuedTask.Run(() =>
var FC = MapMember.GetFeatureClass();
//var spatialFilter = new SpatialQueryFilter { FilterGeometry = shape, SpatialRelationship = SpatialRelationship.Overlaps };
var spatialFilter = new SpatialQueryFilter { FilterGeometry = shape, SpatialRelationship = SpatialRelationship.Contains };
RowCursor Cursor = FC.Search(spatialFilter);
if (Cursor.MoveNext())
// Only get Oid if a feature was found
var Feature = (Feature)Cursor.Current;
var oid = Feature.GetObjectID();
if (Cursor.MoveNext())
// If another feature was found, give warning message
MessageBox.Show(string.Format("Multiple NodeLegs found, check results"));
return oid;
MessageBox.Show(string.Format("{0} NodeLeg of rdsmall arc with FAID = {1} not found", startEnd, faid));
return 0;
Declaration of your method must be:
public static Task<long> GetContainedLegOid(FeatureLayer MapMember, Geometry shape, Int64 faid, string startEnd)
Call to you method:
var oid = await GetContainedLegOid(mapMember, shape, faid, startEnd);
It is not good idea to use MessageBox inside QueuedTask.Run. For example, you can return -oid and check value after calling your method:
var oid = await GetContainedLegOid(mapMember, shape, faid, startEnd);
if(oid == 0) {
MessageBox.Show(string.Format("{0} NodeLeg of rdsmall arc with FAID = {1} not found", startEnd, faid));
else {
if(oid < 0) {
MessageBox.Show(string.Format("Multiple NodeLegs found, check results"));
oid = -oid;