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Importing Custom Point Symbols

05-25-2018 09:26 PM
Frequent Contributor

How do I import 3rd party Point symbols (png format) in ArcGIS Pro, so that they are available in the Symbology Gallery?

I tried looking in the Help but no help. Maybe I missed it.

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7 Replies
MVP Emeritus

Untried but highly recommended... picture marker in Xander's post

Frequent Contributor

Dan, this is somewhat helpful, in that it allows you to attach to an outside picture file for a particular symbol. Tried it, it does work. But it does not add it to the Symbol Gallery where it would be available for other maps. Also, it appears to be a one-at-a-time as opposed to importing a group of new symbols. 

You are able to do this in ArcMap Desktop

Thanks Dan.

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Esri Community Moderator

What about adding a point symbol to your Favorites.stylx

as a PNG?

Then its available in all projects from the gallery:

How were you bulk importing in ArcMap?

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Frequent Contributor

Thanks Kory. Another good thought. Much appreciated.

But it still is a one at a a time process. I know that there are Symbol Libraries for about any industry you can imagine, with hundreds of symbols. 

In ArcMap, you would run the Style Manager, then add a new style, browse to where you had downloaded a symbol library in a .style format, then upload that entire library at once, markers, line symbols, fill, etc. Whatever is defined in your .style file. Only works, obviously, if you have a correctly formatted .style format, not a folder of BMP symbol files. 

I am new to ArcGIS Pro and did not see a similar Style Manager interface, which prompted the original question.

Is the .stylx the ArcGIS Pro equivalent to the ArcMap .style file?

GitHub had a possible item to try, but I have not explored it

GitHub - Esri/solutions-symbology-data: Source data for Solutions Symbology used in Templates (Note:... 

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Esri Community Moderator

Yes, the .stylx is the Pro equivalent to the ArcMap .style file.  If you already have the .stylx, just import it to your Pro project.  Add styles to a project—ArcGIS Pro | ArcGIS Desktop 

You can either add symbols to your Favorites, or you can create a project template containing a connection to your custom style and whenever you want a Pro project with that style, create it from the template.

Create a project template—ArcGIS Pro | ArcGIS Desktop 

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Emerging Contributor

I have no trouble adding the point symbols to my gallery, but arcpy scripts can't see what I've done.  Manually I can click on my added point symbol from a new mapicons.stylx file, but arcpy can only see my system styles, not any I've added to the gallery.  Is there a reason for this?

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Emerging Contributor

Hi Zachary, were you able to relate the stylx file within the script?

I am trying to access custom symbols stored within a shared drive so that multiple users are able to use a script tool; however, the script doesn't seem to be able to identify that style file when I try to use 'item.symbol.applySymbolFromGallery'.

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