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Feature Class to Shapefile Error: "Failed to convert, can only join an iterable"

01-22-2020 07:24 AM
Occasional Contributor

I have never had this issue before, any ideas as to why?


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8 Replies
MVP Esteemed Contributor

On the surface, the error seems to be related to the join method of a Python string.

>>> ";".join(None)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: can only join an iterable

You appear to be using the Feature Class to Shapefile tool with multiple layers or feature classes.  Check to see if there is something off with one of the inputs to the tool.

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Occasional Contributor

I ended up using the feature class to feature class tool. From there I tried the shapefile tool again and it worked. I do not know what happened with the original feature class but it doesn’t matter at this point. It worked. Thanks for the reply Joshua.


Anthony Podesto | GIS Technician

a: SSJID | 11011 E. Hwy 120, Manteca, CA 95336

e: | w:<>

p: (209) 601-9717


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Deactivated User

I had this issue and I found out why/how to fix it and it looks like you made the same mistake I did. 

Don't use weird text characters such as "/" or "-". Your input has both. Remove or replace those and it will fix your issue. 

Occasional Contributor

This worked for me! Thanks.

New Contributor

I had the same issue when exporting ArcGIS Online Features using the Feature Class to Geodatabase tool and this fixed it. "Don't use weird text characters such as "/" or "-". Your input has both. Remove or replace those and it will fix your issue"

New Contributor

I had the same issue with the Raster to Geodatabase tool and this was the solution. My particular problem was, the rasters I was trying to import I had them grouped in the Contents Pane, so the route included come "/" characters.

Thanks a lot.

New Contributor

Oh, thank you! This comment saved me with the Raster to Other Format tool. I had my tif files in a group layer and that failed. Ungrouping did the trick.

Emerging Contributor

Thanks @hurry01_TuftsGIS, this worked for me too! 🙂 

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