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Creating a Custom table for intersections

05-01-2024 11:12 AM
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New Contributor

Hey, I am looking to pull out intersections into a single points file. I have a good feature of the streets as lines.

When I run "Intersect" and then "Spatial Join" and then "Delete Identical" I get a stack of points at each intersection. A sample would be: 

One intersection having separate points that say "Cortland Street & East Main Street" and "East Main Street & Cortland Street". I don't need these as two points but just one. 

I also need to be picky with the output table and we would prefer it formatted as:

Full Street Names Together | street 1 | street 2 | street 3     |  short 1 | short 2 | short 3

Bay St and Harvest St             | Bay St    | Harvest St |              |  Bay       | Harvest |


That being a full label text name, Full name of each street and short name of each street. My road file is already set to allow this as it has separate columns for full name and pieces of the name (Prefix, base, postfix). The most names to one intersection in the city is  four, so it would be up to street 4 and short 4, maybe go 5 just in case city planners get jumpy? 

If this can be something that uses just tools and built in model builder that would be best as we can just set it to run every so often. Doing it in python is less preferred but still a valid solution. 

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Occasional Contributor

Hi Josh,

I believe I have an answer for the first part of your question on how to get rid of one of the reversed street name pairs. Use the 'Select' tool in your model just before you use the 'Delete Identical' tool. Set it to select where 'Street name 1' is less than 'Street name 2'. In my test data I had 'Alameda and Union' as well as 'Union and Alameda'. Using the Select tool gets rid of 'Union and Alameda'. You will still have duplicates, but they will be handled by the Delete Duplicates tool.

In my data I ended up with 2 fields for the street name that were both named 'Street', but it worked. Just be careful to pick the first one in the Select tool followed by the second one. 

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