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Revert to showing edits of projected features in Pro 3.3.x

10-14-2024 05:33 PM
Status: Open
Labels (1)
Frequent Contributor

In recent versions of Pro it seems that editing behaviour was changed to not show edited geometry where the edited layer is being projected - i.e. it is in a different coordinate system to the map itself.   
Make a dataset editable. Select an item. Edit the vertices. Press F2. Old geometry shows again. Save the edit and refresh screen. New geometry is shown.

Please revert this back to ArcMap / earlier Pro behaviour  where you can edit items while being projected. 
Add a warning if you have to.

In my case it is often when I have geometry in GDA 2020 and have the map in an MGA projection of GDA2020 (e.g. GDA2020 MGA zone 55). I don't often mix datums while editing so have not tested that aspect yet.


Hello @RTPL_AU , what happens if you press the Finish button, rather than F2 ? I don't see any problem when I try this.


@ChrisUnderwood  Same behaviour but I am thinking it is a new 3.3.x bug rather than a planned feature as it is pretty unpredictable when it occurs.
Unrelated to Enterprise and system spec is WAY beyond Pro requirments.