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Being able to search among the active portals connections!

11-21-2022 07:54 AM
Status: Open
Labels (1)
Occasional Contributor

Add the ability to ArcGIS Pro user interface to search among the active portals connections!

Search portal.png


You mean the content would show up in the Catalog?

Maybe you'd have each portal show as at the top level and its contents underneath (collapsible), like the Servers and Databases items in catalog right now?

They could get rid of the existing Portals UI under Project and have it all managed Catalog, just like databases. Under Portals, right click -> "Add Portal" then option to either store credentials and login automatically or to prompt when you click on the portal to open it. I guess to fit in their model there would be Portal connection files like AGS and SDE files. It would be an AGP file.





No @Brian_Wilson .

My idea is just to find a specific portal connection by searching it instead of dragging down and up the scroll bar.

Something like Find option in Recent Projects area on ArcGIS Pro Home page.



Being able to search among the active portals connections!