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Batch mxd printing to PDF

09-30-2010 12:49 PM
Status: Closed
New Contributor II

I have many mxds with layouts that I need to press to pdf.  Currently my process is:
open each mxd and wait for the layers and labels to draw and then I have to press the print button and wait until the machine is done to repeat the operation.  It would be nice if I could choose the mxds that I need to print, and leave the process running over the weekend.

At ArcGIS 10 you can do this with a simple Python script.  A great place to start with this is by visiting some of the links in this blog post:

In here you will also find the link to a bunch of sample scripts, including a script to automate the export of multiple .mxd files to pdf.

If you are still in ArcGIS&nbsp;9.2 or 9.3.<br /> <br /> See the following:<br /> <img src="" alt="User-added image" /><br /> <br /> Author:Alberto Laurenti<br /> File Name:<br /> Language: Visual Basic<br /> Last Modified: Oct 27 2009 <br /> Status of work: Public Domain<br /> Software: ArcGIS Desktop (compatibility with ArcGIS 9.3 - see readme.txt file)<br /> File Size: 151.87 kb<br /> Downloads: 3003<br /> <br /> Source: <br /> <a class="postlink" href=""> /> <br /> ESRI - Support Center Downloads for ArcScripts<br /> <a class="postlink" href=""></a><br /> <br /> Other <span class="posthilit">Batch</span> Automation Tools for Map Exporting - ESRI Support Center<br /> <a class="postlink" href=" class="posthilit">batch</span><span class="posthilit"><br /> </span></a>
Status changed to: Closed

ArcGIS Desktop is in mature support and will be retired March 1, 2026 so we won’t be considering this idea. We recommend that you migrate to ArcGIS Pro, our fully supported desktop GIS application. See Migrate from ArcMap to ArcGIS Pro for more information. Thank you for taking the time to share your ideas. We truly appreciate your contributions to continuously improving the software to help you do your work and look forward to what ideas you have for ArcGIS Pro.